
Request A Free Trial Or Demo

vCloudPoint sales and support services are provided through thousands of global partners. In places where vCloudPoint is presented, we offer free onsite demo services or trial units at customer’s choice.

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    How do you plan to use vCloudPoint devices?

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  • Onsite Demo.

    If you are ready to experience the innovative way of desktop computing, we would be happy to demonstrate our solution at your site – absolutely free, with no obligation! Let us show you what this technology can do for you and discuss all the ins and outs. You can examine how it works in your place and learn about the unique features for which vCloudPoint is your first choice. If you have any questions, we’d be more than happy to answer them and work out a proposal to fit your situations.

    If you request some specific software to run at end users’ desktop or work with vMatrix Server Manager, please inform ahead of the visit.

    Try it free.

    The best way to see what vCloudPoint can do for you is by running the devices in your place. The trial units are exactly the same in performance as those sold in the market so that you will know in advance how they work in your place. We’ll provide you with zero clients and the required software totally free of charge, plus you get a free support session to make sure your evaluation is a success. We know you’ll love vCloudPoint, and we’re here to make you successful. But if it’s not a fit, simply return the devices and you won’t be charged.

    We will ship you two sets of zero clients and the required software for evaluation.  You simply install vMatrix Sever Manager on a supported Windows system, create user accounts with it and install RDP Wrapper or Remote Desktop Licensing Role for simultaneous access. During performance testing, pay attention to resources usage shown at task manager to ensure that the host is configured well enough to run related application tests.