vMatrix 2.6.0 is released with some new features added like temporary user mode and support of webcam.
Added: Support of Windows 10 20H2.
Added: A switch that controls the visibility of the right-click function menu of the tray icon.
Added: Lock shutdown switch in terminal devices.
Added: Save/restore function for shutdown button lock.
Added: Option for show mouse pointer while monitoring user’s desktop.
Added: Option for whether set user’s default printer automatically.
Added: Duplicate Management page.
Added: Clear log button for user activity log and management log.
Added: You can log in as a temporary user.
Added: The private disk data can be deleted after logout.
Added: Support of connect to Virspire Desktop Agent in terminal devices.
Added: Support of connect to Virspire VDI Controller in terminal devices.
Added: Support of USB Optical Drive and Camera.
Added: Support of IEEE 802.1x authentication.
Fixed: The private disk permission is not applied to the newly created user.
Fixed: Not properly dealing with terminal device’s communication causes daemon connection service crash.
Fixed: Incorrect display of license expiration.
Fixed: Device details did not refresh in a real time as the language change.
Fixed: The automatic connection function is invalid under some languages operating system.
Fixed: Abnormal display position of lower right corner notification window.
Fixed: Misinformed driver issue while running Diagnostic Tool.
Fixed: Log in a user after logged out may reports user is already online.
Fixed: Plug in multiple USB devices in the same time may causes system reboot.
Fixed: A part of USB card readers don’t recognized properly.
Fixed: A part of mouse pointers don’t showed properly.
Fixed: USB devices may not be detected properly when in first time plugged.
Fixed: Terminal devices may not be able to play sound when Broadcast Mode is activated.
Fixed: A crash when the user deploy module was started in the background while the user’s desktop was not ready yet.
Fixed: The USB flash drive connected to the terminal without a drive letter assigned due to the failure to obtain the partition information of the USB flash drive.
Fixed: The server management software could not be started due to modification of system variables.
Fixed: The server management software could not be started due to the loss of the security folder in the system.
Fixed: Enabling automatic restore may cause the terminal to stuck after restoring the factory settings and upgrading the firmware.
Improved: Auto login can be filtered for local host.
Improved: Improved Management Log page.
Improved: The layout of the monitoring interface.
Improved: User name sort in static virtual IP assign page.
Improved: User name sort in allocate users page.
Improved: the logic of removing the drive letter when the terminal is connected to the U disk.
Improved: Fast diagnostic function will try to correct the issue automatically.
Improved: Adjust the notes of some functions.
Improved: Secure boot is allowed to be enabled in win10 / 2016 / 2019 operating system.
To update your current vMatrix Server Manager to the latest 2.6.0 version, please download the installation package at the download center.
You can overwrite the old installation files but make sure to DISABLE any Anti-Virus or Firewall software during the installation.
Terminal users will be disconnection during the update and you are required to reboot the system when completed.