vCloudPoint S100 via WAN (Port Forwarding)

Question ID: 12482
Question stage: New

I am trying to figure out how to access my cloud pc from the internet (WAN). I assume there will be a few ports need to be open/forwarding right? I’ve opened/forwarded TCP 3389 & 13389. It shows Online in host list but unable to connect when Login. Is there any steps I might missed or any other ports that is needed by this device?

Please advice. Thanks!

Your Country & City:: Malaysia
Software Version: (e.g.: vMatrix 2.3.6): 2.4.0
Windows System Version: (e.g.: Windows 10 1809): Windows 10 1903
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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on January 23, 2020 12:03 pm
Private answer

You have the answer here in the FAQ:

"The listen port for Remote Desktop Service itself also should be open. It uses TCP 3389.
The vMatrix Network Service uses both TCP and UDP ports. The broadcast port is fixed using UDP 13389, and the listen port takes 5 ports from 13389 to 13393 and 1 extra for each client user. The following example is given on 10 users (always reserve more ports if possible).

3389- 3389 192.168.x.x TCP
13389- 13389 192.168.x.x UDP
13389-13403 192.168.x.x TCP

These ports are default settings on vMatrix installation but able to be customized at vMatrix -> Configuration ->IP/TCP ports."

I think you are missing the UDP ports, and the extra 5 ports + one for each connection

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 3)
Answered on February 13, 2020 10:30 am