Country: Egypt
End user name: EL Zohairy Hospital
Business/Training Scope: Medical services
Contact person: Eng. Mohamed Adel Ahmed
Title: IT project manager
Total number deployed: 23 S100 zero clients for 8 floors.
Total number of servers deployed: 1
Applications: Office 2013, Internet, Medical software, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Kaspersky internet security 2019, media codecs, etc.
Comments: It’s a very good solution. I can manage everything through the vMatrix Server Manager and the technical support team is very helpful.
Server configuration:
- HP Workstation Z420
- Processor: Intel Xeon CPU x5650
- RAM: 32GB DDR3-1333
- Display Card: Nvidia GeForce GT 630
- 2*HDD
- 1*WD 256 SSD