Country: Slovakia
End user name: Elementary School Gemerská Košice
Business/Training Scope: Elementary School
Total number of devices deployed: 20 seats, 1 classroom.
Total number of servers deployed:1
Contact person: Drančáková
Tel: 0908118101
Title: Teacher Lab
Comment of the end user:
Applications: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Winrar, Total Commander, IrfanView, Imagine, Logomotion, Tuxpaint, Drawing for Children, Relevation Natural Art, Baltík 3, Zoner Callisto 5 free, Gimp, Scratch 2, Geogebra, Xmind, Audacity, Zoner Photo Studio 12, 7-zip, Winrarer 2.6, Windows Movie Maker, MS Office, VLC media player, Adobe Reader X, Adobe Flash Player
Server configuration:
- AMD 8-core CPU
- 512GB SSD M.2 Disk
- Gigabyte Mainboard,
- 2Gb VGA card,
- 48GB RAM DDR4,
- 550W power supply